This is the title for the post/content on the website. Enter "Prospect Pride" if this is a Prospect Pride.
Enter the exact wording you want included on the PTO website home page and the weekly email.
If you have a logo or image you would like to include with your post, attach it here. Please note that we cannot post photos of students on the website.
PNG or JPEG if possible, please. PDFs and other files can only be included as downloadable attachments.
If you have a flyer or other document to attach, you can upload a PDF File here.
NOTE: Let us know any special instructions for your post or uploaded file(s). You must submit a new form each week you wish to run your post. We are unable to automatically repost newsletter content based on anything you list in the special instructions.
You will be taken back to the home page after submitting this form.
Please check your email for your confirmation email that contains a copy of your submission for your records.