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A Note from the Principal

3/21/2025 8:04 pm

To find out more about Penny Wars, 'Stuff the Squad' and more, please read this week's S'MORE from Principal Cummings. 

Spirit Week

3/21/2025 7:58 pm

Save The Date for Prospect's Spring Book Fair!

3/21/2025 7:53 pm

Prospect Library's Spring Book Fair
Wednesday, April 23rd & Thursday, April 24th
8:25am - 3:30pm in the Library

The Book Fair will also be open during Prospect's Fine Arts Night on Thursday, April 24th from 5:30-7:00PM so please join us!

-A portion of our book sales goes directly to the Prospect School Library
-Help build your child’s classroom library by purchasing a book in their teacher’s Wishlist basket
-Shop with your child during school hours (specific time slots for kindergarten through fifth grade classes coming soon)


Science Night Helpers

3/21/2025 7:52 pm


Please come help during Prospect's Science NIght on Wednesday, March 26th... we need volunteers with set-up (starts around 5:15pm), take-down (starts at 7:30pm), and fair time helpers (6-7:30pm). Any parent can help during the fair but if you are a 5th grade parent with a student participating and are staying the whole time, please let us know if you are willing to help! No science degree needed! Thank you!

E-mail Nicole Turano : president@prospectschoolpto.org


Science Night this Wednesday

3/21/2025 7:49 pm


Families please join us from
at school
for a Family Science Night
featuring our 5th graders and many cool surprises!


Community Speaker Series Presents Harlan Cohen

3/21/2025 10:39 am

Registration is now open for the final event of the Community Speaker Series season! We are thrilled to welcome New York Times bestselling author and college success expert, Harlan Cohen, to our community. He will share his advice for achieving success by getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.

NEW for this event: Bring your teens! Teenage students are welcome and encouraged to attend our evening event on Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00pm in the Hinsdale Central Auditorium. We will also offer a second presentation for parents on Wednesday, April 30 at 9:00am at The Community House. As always, our events are free and open to all. Come out to connect, learn and enjoy!

Please note: We anticipate a strong turnout for these events and ask that you arrive early to allow ample time for parking and seating so that we can begin our events promptly and provide our audience with the maximum amount of time with Harlan.

Tuesday, April 29, 7:00pm-8:30pm, REGISTER HERE:

Wednesday, April 30, 9:00am-10:30am, REGISTER HERE:

Harlan Cohen has visited over 500 high school and college campuses, helping students, parents, and professionals navigate change and get comfortable with the uncomfortable. He is the author of seven books, including Win or Learn: The Naked Truth About Turning Every Rejection into Your Ultimate Success and The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run into In College. Harlan has over 1.5 million followers across his social media accounts and hosts The Harlan Cohen Podcast. See this attached flyer for more details.


A Note from the Principal

3/14/2025 8:20 pm

In this week's S'More, Principal Cummings shares details on Stuff the Squad, State Testing, and the last day to save money for school registration.

Thank You!

3/14/2025 8:18 pm

Prospect Community,

Thank you for your fundraising support this year at the Parents Night Out! We enjoyed seeing those of you that came to the event! Congrats to our raffle winners and thanks to those of you who participated in our inaugural ‘Buy it now' option.

Thank you to our committee who answered the call when we realized a) our community wanted a fun night out together and b) we needed to fundraise a little more. Sarah Hermann, Megan Caplis, Kate Weicher, and Jessica Cooper - thank you for your time and talents to make this night a fun success!

Your grateful Presidents,
Nicole Turano and Lauren Gray

Parent Science Night Helpers Needed

3/14/2025 8:15 pm


Please come help during Prospect's Science NIght on Wednesday, March 26th... we need volunteers with set-up (starts around 5:15pm), take-down (starts at 7:30pm), and fair time helpers (6-7:30pm). Any parent can help during the fair but if you are a 5th grade parent with a student participating and are staying the whole time, please let us know if you are willing to help! No science degree needed! Thank you!

E-mail Nicole Turano : president@prospectschoolpto.org 

5th Grade Clap-Out Teacher Assistance

3/14/2025 8:14 pm

Hello 5th grade Parents,

We're looking for 1- 2 parents to assist the teachers in getting balloons and doing minimal set-up for the 5th grade promotion/clap-out ceremony May 29th. Please contact president@prospectschoolpto.org if you would like to help.


Thank you!